How to switch off

In this episode of Unlocking Potential we will be looking at how to switch off completely and why it matters so much.

We cover

> What might be holding us back from switching off and resting?

> Why rest is so important and why it is so hard?

> The 7 types of rest and how we can be intentional about focusing on them.

> Top tips for switching off completely while on holiday.


Further reading and listening

Rest - Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

Do Nothing - Celeste Headlee

Rest is Resistance - Tricia Hersey

Ted Talk - Why we are tired and what we can do about it Sandra Dalton-Smith HERE 

I'm Emily Petty a coach, trainer and facilitator. I help senior leaders and their teams break free from overwork by helping them find a way to lead and work that feels effortless, authentic and empowering.

Download a FREE workbook to help you break free from overwhelm and exhaustion today. 


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